Okay I've been a little distracted lately, in fact this is my third attempt at a beginning here. I'm trying to hard to be poetic and it's really hanging me up. Fortunately, what I've realized is that it isn't necessary for me to doll this up and put a silver lining on it. My purpose is share my experiences with you, because I know we are on this journey together and we can learn from each other. If you are choosing to come here, spend time with me, and allowing me to share with you, then somewhere in your consciousness you are already aware of your evolution. You are already transforming. Shedding layers of old conditioning so you may step into your full Self and live life at your fullest expression. A reminder. That's what this is all about, remembering who we are and why we are here.
Anyways, here we are and I'm so glad you came. I've been a little resistant to sitting and writing lately and I think it's because I've been so inundated with learning, I've been a bit intimidated by the task of articulating it. Like I said, I was trying to think of an elequent, eye-catching start, but really I just want to cut right to the chase:
Life will always give us exactly what we need when we need it. We have created the reality we live in, and we have the power to change it. Look aroung you. Everything in your reality is there because you manifested it. You asked for it, prayed for it, worked towards it, or feared. Life give us exactly what we need to continue to evolve, and we are either open to it or we aren't. I have been learning so much, I couldn't even begin to try to explain it. It wouldn't matter much anyways, because the lessons life is teaching me wouldn't necessarily aid you in your personal journey. We're heading in the same direction of course, but we our needs are quite unique. So what life is giving me and teaching me of course resonates so deeply with me and I want to rush back here and tell you all about it, but then I remember that it will serve you in a different way, or possibly not at all. I think more than anything I've realized that taking time to ask ourselves questions is often very difficult, but usually very helpful. So in finally creating the space to come be with you, I want to pose some questions, stir up thoughts, and possibly shed some new perspective on things. That's what this all comes down to anyways right? Perspective. And of course our attachments to things. Our expectations of ourselves and others. What does all of this mean to you? What is your perspective? What has shaped that perspective? What is your first thought in the morning? Those first few moments when we are just coming back into our physical consciousness after hours of exisiting in our subconscious. It can be a very vulnerable time, and we sometimes miss it all together by waking up to a blaring alarm clock and rushing out of bed. I don't know about you, but sometimes it takes me several moments to even realize where I am in the morning. I sometimes wake up feeling lingering emotions from my dreams, and sometimes I wake up laughing. We know very little about where we go when we dream, or maybe some people know lots about it - I know very little. But I do know that those first few moments in the morning have the potential to set us up for our whole day. What are those moments like for you?
You see, so many people (including myself) have gone far and wide searching for answers. We read all sorts of books, buy all sorts of gear, look to teachers, gurus and guides hoping to get answers. The answers, of course, are within you, have always been within you, and will always be within you. We just need to remember to ask questions. Be curious. Life will give us exactly what we need, if we are open to recieving it.