"The original definition of the word courage was to tell the story of you are with a whole heart"
What am I hiding? From who? Why?
These questions have been rattling around in my head and my heart lately. It seems that with each new place of expansion I find old parts of myself that are tight, constricted and closed. Places where I am still holding on to something that no longer fits. Places where I have built walls to protect that which I am ashamed of. These tender spots of vulnerability sometimes surprise me, as I explore more deeply and expand more completely. Reality checks for the Ego as I humbly see where I have neglected to love my Self. Where I have accepted the conditioned belief that I am less-then and unworthy. Ah yes, I am realizing that to fully open to Love, I must fully love my Self and this means having the courage to reach in and touch these places; illuminating the illusion of not-good-enough-ness with the light of Truth and Purpose and Love.