Monday, February 8, 2010


There's been a common theme, almost a message that's been ringing clear for me over the past week or so. It's something that's been hitting me from all angles lately and I wanted to share it with you. I'm talking about the practice of being present. I've been open to this for a long time, but I don't think I've actually put it into practice consistently. And it's no secret why not, it's certainly a difficult thing to do. Simple, but challenging. Life gets in the way. And we get distracted by schedules, fear, deadlines, facebook, immediate gratification. Life is wonderful, and it can be wonderfully busy! We need to sleep, eat, work, and play - all in one day. Ever hear the phrase, "there just aren't enough hours in a day"? We've all wished for more time, to go back in time, to hurry time up. It comes so natural. However, in doing this we often forget about the only moment we actually have any control over and that is THIS moment.

On Thursday I attended a Zen meditation. This is something I'd always been curious about, the idea of meditation and letting stillness be the vehicle to a clear mind. This introductory "class" was an experience that has settled inside of me and made itself at home. I'm not going to exlain it in great detail, because I think if you're interested you should go experience it for yourself. I think everyone walks away with something different. Except, of course, for the message of paying attention, waking up, and being present. Take a deep breath. In. Out. How many breaths do you remember taking today? Our breath is what sustains us, and yet we forget about it all together. Except of course when we lose it. By focusing on breath, we are immediately brought back to the present moment. In. Out. When life begins to get too fast, in. out. There is nothing, absolutely nothing to lose in slowing down. In breathing. The world will always be there. In fact, we do the world a great service in practicing this. Because by being in the present moment, you are actually there and people count on you to be there! In conversation, in reading this blog, in making dinner, in making love. BE THERE FOR IT. I don't mean to yell, I'm just excited. As I write this, it becomes clear for me too! Like I mentioned in my first post, I am not doing this because I believe I have all the answers. Not at all. But I do believe I am experiencing awakening, and I want to share it with you. In sharing it with you, I can feel that I am becoming stronger in my own journey.

As of late I've felt very open and light. I can't really find other words to explain it (language falls short when trying to explain a revelation), but it's as if something really good is happening. All the time. I kid you not when I saw that these days I don't get in a bad mood. I'm hardly ever irritated or mad. It happens of course. Especially if I stub my toe, spill on myself, don't do enough yoga, or burn my tongue. However, when asked about my mood - I can honeslty say it is generally always positive. I even have a reputation for being the "life cheer leader" among my friends. I tell you all of this not to toot my own horn, but to demonstrate that this is possible. It's fun to be happy! It's fun to feel good inside and out. And again, perfection is not what we're discussing. Quite the contrary. Perfection is boring, life is messy and colorful. However happiness, contentment, overall well-being has nothing to do with perfection. We are all speckled with impfections that make us unique and beautiful, inside and out. Happiness is about how true you are being to yourself, and that requires us to slow down and pay attention to how we feel in each moment we are in. Breathe. In. Out. How do you feel?

Choosing to be present in the moment that is happening right now, allows you to do what you do 100%. You owe that to yourself, the people in your world, your job, and yourself. In. Out. Slowing down and paying attention will dramatically change your experience in the world. I promise you that. Work at it, and understand that it takes practice and patience. A couple things that help me:

Focus on my breath
Think of and say outloud to yourself (or jot down) 3 things you are enjoying about the current moment. Someone very intelligent (and pretty) suggested that to me once.

In closing, I leave you with this thought: there are opportunities all around us. Opportunities to make changes where you want, live the life you want, recieve what you want, go where you want, feel how you want. You just have to be paying attention. Slow down. Breathe. Pay attention. In. Out.

Music suggestions:

Awake My Soul - by 100

Birds Without Wings - David Gray

The Cave - 80

Reading Suggestions:

The Alchemist - Paulo Cohelo

Stillness Speaks - Echart Tolle

Get Happy - will get back to you on this one


  1. Darci!! wow im so exited about this blog!!!! its so real so honest and inviting! i have always known that you carried something special to carry and share with the world- i think this is part of it! your journey is so wonderful and true and yet i resonate with it every step of the way! i think thats what makes us such good friends. i admire the way you piece things together- you seem to make sense of it all. you are so beautiful!

    anyway- i adored our talk today- im so lucky to have someone like you! youre like a little asngel reaffirming everything ive always known and i look forward to future posts! again what a great idea!!!!

    we didnt quite get around to it in our "short" convo but i wanted to extend to you the native american commandments. i came across them somewhat randomly posted on a restaurant wall near the bathroom stalls. i think they are so profound and amazing i think you will like them:

    here they are: how GREAT!!!!

    Treat all the earth and all that dwell thereon with respect

    Remain close to the great spirit

    Show a great respect for your fellow beings

    Work together for the benefit of all mankind

    Give assitance and kindness wherever needed

    DO WHAT YOU KNOW TO BE RIGHT (enough said!!!! right?!)

    Look after the well being and body

    Dedicate a share of yourefforts to the greater good

    Be truthful and honest and all times

    TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your actions....


    There is no doubt that these "commandments" speak to you. Arent they so beautiful? Its almost like the simpler the better. Let us be our own judge!

    I love you so much and I believe in all that you are. You are one of the most beautiful souls Ive ever come into contact with. Kepp contributing to the world. It needs you! Love you so much my darling,


  2. I am a full believer in accuracy and flawless spelling! HOWEVER a few pinots later and things become complicated!! All but the grammar errors everything is true and from the heart....MUAH
