It's interesting how intimidating a blank page can be. The cursor, blinking at me patiently awaiting what will come next. I'll admit, I've sort of been putting this off. See, life sort of got going really fast on me and the moments came and went without waiting for me to write them down. I feel as if I've been picked up by a tornado and got whirled around then tossed out far from where I was in the first place. I have no idea how to share with you, my dear readers, the things I've been experiencing lately. Pictures and words are all I have to connect us together and I can only hope that what I share with you lights u
p something inside of you.
Nepal was an experience that is still playing out for me and alive within me. In each moment of each day since my trip, I am constantly reminded of the world that is out there beyond what I see from my vantage point. Being on the other side of the globe was like a much needed therapy for me. Without a doubt I was awakened in a deeper way then I have been. Every cell of my being seemed to respond to the culture of Nepal. There is a beautiful and mysterious sense of spirtituality engrained in every aspect of life of Nepali people. This sets the perfect foundation for a culture that, amidst political corruption and economic turmoil, rises peacefully above with grace, compassion and generousity. Among the chimming bells of worship, the intoxicating scent of incense, and the sounds of soft chanting I was reminded often that quality of life is not measured by what we have, own or produce. Our souls are not nurished by those material things. Instead our souls crave a deeper, denser satisfaction. One that cannot always be named. It seems in a culture where pride is not associated with a bank account, and success is not measured what you own, there is a sense of fulfillment, peace, happiness, and joy that is contagious. However, I did not learn this from just looking around. I found teachers in the most unexpected place...
Simplicity. Sharing. Compassion. Laughter. Play. Affection. To just BE.
These are lessons that cannot be found in a textbook or within the walls of a classroom. There is no manual on them either. However, it is with these tools that we connect to the world around us and even more importantly how we connect with ourselves. I went to Nepal thinking I wouldoffer myself in service and ended up leaving there fuller and more grateful than ever before.
Life has an interesting and beautiful way of unfolding for us, if and when we surrender to the power that is all around us and within us. I am now at this place in my life where I have tapped into what drives me. I have always known what I wanted to do, but felt myself falling short of living my life in accordance with it. I felt myself restricted by money, time, resources and courage. I realize now that this is not how it has to be. Some may opt for this route, staying within the safe confines of a society that fosters a fear of the unknown. However, for the rest of us we know there is much more to life than that. So I ask you this: how are you fulfilling that almost insatiable yearning? How do you respond to that which calls from deep within yourself? I admit that the course isn't always a clear one, and the steps sometimes seem lost in the fog of uncertaintly. However, I am making the comitment to trust. I trust with all my heart that my destiny is to live in accordance with what my soul is calling for. Each day I promise to take steps closer to what that is. I have glimpses of the bigger picture, but for now I am living in the here and now; being true to myself in each moment. I hope that my journey reminds each of you that this life is ours. We have the choice to live with fear or love.
We are all here to be happy, fulfilled, nurished, and loved. Are you?
I think it is safe to say that we are also here to share happiness, to fulfill others, to nurish and most importantly, to love.