Monday, March 22, 2010

It's a daunting task to come back to this for a few reasons. One, my mind is reeling with all that's gone on the past few weeks. I also feel like I owe a GOOD post since it's been so long. In this very moment I am pretty confident I am experiencing the inspiration that puts me in a good space to write. In fact, I was writing an email when this all hit me and I realized, okay it's time to update. I'm going to pretty much share what I wrote in my email, and I feel it's necessary to state that so that you know it's not that fresh/orignal, but please don't allow that to diminish the value here. At least, that's how I feel.

I was recently away in Oregon for a few days. I don't want to say it was a vacation, but I guess it was. I wasn't working and I had LOT of yes, I was on vacation. It was truly a wonderful experience and I think what I enjoyed most about it was the fact that I was completely present the entire time I was there. And the times I felt myself get a little distracted, I practiced breathing and bringing myself back. I said to Em the second day I was in Ashland that I felt as though the mountains were speaking to me. This may sound strange to some of you, but I really felt as though part of me was just generally moved with where I was. I have never been that far away from home. Home meaning a few things including where I lived as a kid, and also meaning everything I am used to. I'm not used to being surrounded by mountains. It's really pretty neat. I'm not going to go into great detail about my trip, because I feel it gets away from the purpose of this post. What I wanted to share with you, is that time goes a whole lot slower when you are actually there for the experience you're having. I'm used to getting really excited for things, and then they come and go and then I'm sad they are over. I always wondered why those things that I most enjoy seem to fly by and the things I don't enjoy drag on. What I realized recently, and hope to be able to practice doing, is that when you just allow yourself to be awake and present to what is going on in that moment, you take whatever it is out of it and continue to move forward. You don't wish to go back to that moment, because you don't need to. It was merely a stepping block for the next moment. Being present is a wonderful gift we all have access to, but most of us forget how to do it, or that we even CAN do it.

This brings me to my next point, we actually have access to a lot of gifts that I think we forget about. We have complete control over how we take care of ourselves, which results in our overall health and well being. Take a look at the news, the paper, or just outside your window really, and it's clear we don't do a very good job with this. It's hard! grocery stores are lined with junk, it can be pretty easy AND cheap to eat unhealthy, we're often too busy to care for ourselves by practicing yoga, meditating, moving our bodies in more direction that standing/sitting. We work too much, don't have enough money, don't know how, don't want to try something new because it's hard and kind of uncomfortable. However, we actually could change this. Now I don't consider myself a political expert by any means, and but I do have my opinion on all of this. An opinion based on what I've seen at my job in the field of Social Work, working with systems of care that attempt to enhance the quality of people's lives; and opinion also based on my own person experience with both Western Medicine alternative healing mechanisms. I'll say this: As a country, and really as a Western Culture, we are in need of reform. We need to REprioritize. How can we even suggest spending more money on intervention at this point? We're creating our own health problems (and financial problems when you think about it) by feeding our children junk (have you seen what school lunches look like these days?), supporting the addiction to technology/sedentary lifestyles/ and pumping people full of chemicals in both beauty products and medications. We have forgotten the idea of "everything in moderation" and have become increasingly more addicted to bigger, faster, stronger, hotter, colder, etc. etc. Our bodies are taking a beating, our earth is taking a beating, and it's time to start looking at it instead of turning the other way.

I think what prevents people from making changes is the idea that we are powerless to actually create any change on our own. This is far from the truth. If each one of us made more of an effort, even in a small way, we would create enormous change. Recyle. Can you believe that so many people still don't recycle? Seperate your glass, plastic and paper and put it in a bin!! Easy as pie. Take shorter showers, walk/bike/take the bus to get there, turn off the lights/heat when you leave the house. Do it for financial reasons and sleep better because it's also GREEN, which if you haven't heard is the new sexy. I am not saying I've mastered this all yet. No way. But I'm trying and to me that's what's important. Be aware of what's going on around you. Ask questions if you don't understand. The point is that each one of us makes a difference. We're either leavers or takers. We either work to promote the greater good, or we work to dismantle it. Think about what you do each day, and decide which one you're supporting. It may not be completely black or white either. Some things you may do are wonderfully generous and kind, taking into account the other people around you, who have come befor eus and who will come after us. Other habits may be more frivolous and excessive. Just notice what they are and ask yourself if you could try making some changes around that. I promise I'll be doing the same thing.

I'm going to end on this note, because I feel that I will be picking here next time I write. It's like a budding idea, similar to the beautiful flowers that have begun to poke through the thawing ground lately- after a little sun, water, and love it will be a beautiful work of nature. The idea of trusting yourself. It's a difficult, and often scary endeavor. What if I'm wrong? What if I mess up or worse, fail competely? What if it hurts or is uncomfortable? I thank my dedicated practice of Bikram Yoga for teaching me that through pain and discomfort comes the most amazing strength and growth. With focus and determination you can achieve whatever you want. If I listen to my heart, really allow myself to catch up with....myself, things will continue to unfold to my desire. Because ultimately my desire is the desire of the greater good. I trust that I have a purpose and that purpose is to help make the world a more beautiful, wonderful, happier, healthier place for us, our children and so on. I thought I knew how I would go about doing that, but I think I'm still figure it out. I have been carving out what it is I don't agree with, support or believe in. Simultaneously I'm realizing what I do believe, what I can change, and what I feel my gifts to offer are. This a beautiful breakthrough which we are all capable of having. I encourage you to find some space, some stillness and some courage to explore this. I promise, you'll find what you're looking for.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

It was a beautiful moment. Let it go.