Through confusion comes breakthrough. Confusion is a good word to describe my current state of mind. To me, admitting confusion allows room for curiousity, learning and growth. I am experiencing all of these at such a rapid, transforming rate, that it's hard to keep up with it all. In fact, something I've realized is that my experience with what is unfolding around me is not altered whether or not I capture it in writing. I used to worry that if I didn't take pictures, I wouldn't remember the experience. I've found that if I stop worrying about capturing the moments, I experience a much richer feeling of presence that is far more fulfilling than a photo album. Not to say, of course, that I don't thoroughly enjoy a nice photo album.
Hm, I wondered how I would start this one. I didn't know it'd go quite like that. Anyways, I'm feeling a sense of momentum here that I've been missing, so I'm just going to roll with it. Perspective, detachment and expectation are these heavy concepts, or rather words that represent heavy concepts, which I have been exploring. By exploring I mean life has smacked me with an experience, event, person, challenge, or all of the above, so that I learn a very valuable lesson. A lesson that helps me peel back layers of conditioning so that I may continue to tap deeper into my Self. A lesson that opens my heart, stretches my soul and gives my spirit room to flurish. A lesson that sometimes comes at some cost of heartache, sadness, or frustration, but leaves me with confidence, clarity, and wisdom.
Walking down the street in San Francisco I noticed a sign on a brick building that had two phrases on it. One phrase was written right-side-up and read: Love will free your soul. Underneath that, and written upside down it read: Love will only break your heart.. I found that in order to read the phrase that was upside down I had to stop and cock my head to the side. I stood there like that and read the phrase outloud - can you just visualize that for a moment? It dawned on me: It all depends on how you look at it.
Our perspective shapes our interaction with the world around us and we have the ability to shape our it. Our perspective is actually made up of the millions of pieces of who we are: our past experiences, our old habits, our fears, and our expectations. Perspective is the crows nest on the vessel we steer through life. It is our outlook to the world. Taking time to think about and explore your perspective is a hugely rewarding practice. I have found that it's helped me truly identify patterns that weave through my life. It has also helped me see that happiness truly is a choice, and fun really is a feeling. Once we create some space to explore perspective, we realize we can shift our perspective. Once we shift our perspective, of course, things start to look different. Things eventually become different and change is created. Perspective. It is truly the catalyst to coming into the present moment and beginning to understand the choices we have in our interaction with the world around us, our relationships with ourselves and the people around us, our level of fulfillment from the things we do, and the fullness to which we get to know ourselves.
Through confusion comes breakthroughs. Surrender to the unknown occasionally, revel in curiousity, exercise your imagination.