Monday, May 2, 2011

The secret to life is to live without fear.

I recently learned how to ride my bike with no hands.  To some this may seem trivial, but I must ask...have you ever tried?! I have always been under the impression that riding with no hands was simply something I could not do.  I'd see people cruise by without holding on, looking so relaxed and comfortable and I'd think to myself, "it looks fun, I wish I could do that!" I did try a few times, with no success. I'd get going a comfortable speed, feel very balanced, but the time would come for me to let go of the handle bars and all of a sudden I got scared, and the slightest wobble had me back to a white-knuckle grip. 

Recently, I was sitting with a friend and an arms-free biker cruised by and I commented on how I wished I knew how to do that.  He laughed and said, "well of course you know how to do that. It's really no different than riding your bike holding on.  It's not a matter of balance, you just need to have the courage to let go."  Those words sparked something within me as I realized how often I am reminded what is possible when we have the courage to let go. The following morning as I biked into the sunrise, I decided I'd give it a shot.  I reminded myself that the only difference between hands on and hands off, was courage. I picked up some momentum, let go of the handlebars, and cruised for several blocks relishing in the feeling of CAN.

I find myself in the same inspired state of paralysis on my yoga mat.  I watch as other students gracefully glide up into Birds of Paradise, or fearlessly flip themselves upside down balanced on their heads.  I tell myself, "maybe someday I'll be able to do that. After more practice, once I become a really yogi. But I can't do that now, I'm not ready." Well, similar to my bike-riding breakthrough, something finally clicked within me. I had been attempting Crow Pose for a while, but still wasn't able to get both feet off the ground. I would be so close, and just as I was about to lift off I'd tell myself, "no! I can't! I'll fall forward, I'll break my wrists!" Once again, I would convince myself I can't. Finally, after class one day, I decided to ask for help.  I had always wanted to seek out some individual instruction, but again, always seem to come up with a reason not to - "I don't have time." "She's probably to busy." or "I don't want to be embarrassed when I still can't do it, even with the help."

Back in the studio, with no other students around, the place felt different. Still. I was guided through some preparation and then started to get into the posture.  I moved slowly and I listened to my body. I realized that Rachel, my kind teacher, had no doubt that I'd be able to get into the full pose.  She guided me confidently one step after the other, and I felt her confidence flood out my own fears. I placed my knees on my triceps, engaged my core, and tilted forward. Shifting my gaze in front of me, lifting one than both feet off the ground . Nothing hurt, I didn't fall. In fact, I felt completely amazing as my body took this shape for the first time.
What these moments of sheer and simple brilliance helped me to realize, is that often times we confuse our ability with our willingness. There really is nothing standing in our way of what we truly want, besides our own fears. However, we sometimes get caught up in the same old stories we've been telling ourselves our whole lives.  Stories rooted in old fears of failure, disappointment, or pain.  Stories that have etched themselves into such familiar grooves, that we don't even realize they are there. Friends, what I'd like to remind you is that you have the ability to change these stories.  There is no reason why we should convince ourselves to hold back.  No harm will ever come to us if we consciously choose to move beyond our edge, in the direction of something that will serve us to be better, stronger, kinder, more compassionate human beings. Learning to trust ourselves and our abilities is something we owe ourselves and each other! Imagine if everyone lived to their full potential?

Thus, the the secret to life is truly no secret at all. It is simply a state of mind. When we choose to stop listening to old beliefs and do that which we have not done before, we grow. Change. Inspire. Teach. Learn. 

You owe it to yourself, and you owe it to the world around you to live to your fullest, deepest potential.  Right now, in this moment you have everything you need to do whatever it is you want.  Trust yourself.  Have courage. Let go.

~With love and gratitude~


  1. YES!!!! Love you beautiful Darci!

  2. Hello Darci,

    I'm a friend of Jennie C's and I saw her comment on your link, followed the link, and you just made my day.

    Thank you for writing that.

