Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Slow down. Simplify. Surrender

What to say? The thoughts, emotions and experiences running through me, simply cannot be expressed with merely words.  On the brink of change, the tides shift beneath me as I stay present in my body.  The experience of change allows for the practice of maintaining my sense of conscious awareness. It's easy to lose that in the chaos.  As the bags get packed, unpacked and repacked; stuff gets shuffled about and given away.  My outer experience is being dismantled, uprooted and moved yet my inner Self stays centered, grounded and present. 

Each moment I am reminded to slow down. When I move too quickly, rather than accomplishing things faster, I lose sync with myself usually resulting in missing a step, forgetting something or losing something. I am reminded of a slogan my middle school gym teacher used to enforce, "speeding gets your no where fast." I slow down.

In slowing down I am more aware, seeing things I didn't notice in my haste. I see more clearly the things I do not need, and feel more consciously that which ways me down.  At a slower pace I am able to pare down, weed out and simplify.  I simplify.

As I slow down and simplify I notice this sense of freedom. I don't recognize it as freedom first, though. Initially I feel as though maybe I'm lacking something or missing out on something. It seems strange and unfamiliar to move at this pace and relinquish that which I've been holding on to for so long.  Yet, I soon begin to see that I have the ability and power to surrender.  Surrender my fears, surrender my expectations, surrender my doubt and surrender the need to control. Surrender into the natural flow that is slow and simple. I surrender

In this time of change, on the brink of all that is known and all which remains a mystery, I slow down, simplify and surrender.

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