"By attempting to organize the future, we aggravate the present moment"
Sometimes inspiration hits in the most unlikely of places. In the shower, in the line at the grocery store, over a cup of coffee and an email to a friend, I am suddenly overcome with an "Ah-Hah!" moment where it all makes sense. Fleeting moments of clarity against a backdrop of uncertainty. Perhaps, though, these moments aren't actually so fleeting, instead they offer a glimpse into the current of Truth that is ever present within us and around us, only masked by the mundane. Yes, it seems life can easily distract us from our inner Truth.
I'm inclined to acknowledge my current disposition of uncertainty and indecisiveness. Feeling inundated with possibility, yet paralyzed by a reluctance to commit. Finding that the more I tap into my inner-most desires, the more I learn about myself. Noticing how I resonate more with an openness and fluidity, rather than attaching to a certain thing, plan, or "next step". Settling into a place of presence of here and now, trusting that it will all unfold as it should. So simple, yet uncomfortable to many people.
Perhaps we too easily equate noncommittal to being unmotivated; we are accustomed to having our plans, routines and schedules. To let go into the vast unknown, even for just a moment, scares the hell out of us. I wonder, what is there to be afraid of? Why are so we so quick to come up with an answer? What keeps us from a place of uninhibited inquisitiveness? Why do we perpetuate a need to know where we're going, when, and how it's going to be when we get there? Perhaps it's more comfortable to stay busy organizing the future, then to surrender into the present moment.
I've spent much of my life organizing my next step; planning what I'm going to do. This dumped me head first into a lifestyle that resonated with only surface of who I was, completely negating the true essence of my being. It wasn't until I let go of what may happen, and began to live in the present moment, that life came into focus for me. Abandoning the need for answers and surrendering to my infinite curiosity.
The truth is ~ we don't know. Much of life remains a mystery to us, which we attempt to breakdown, compartmentalize, rationalize and reason. Hoping to apply a thick layer of logic to fill in the depth of absurdity that most of life is. It keeps us guarded from what the possibility that we may, in fact, not know.
Unlike a sewing machine, life does not come with an instruction manual. The only navigation tool we can truly trust, is our own Self. And I wonder, how are we supposed to know the answers to questions we haven't yet asked ourselves?
~ Rumi
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