My current living situation has been very fitting for my current state of mind. Different people coming and going, venturing off in different directions, on unique adventures. As I write this, a trio of guys are packing up their gear and getting ready to ship off on a bike trip to San Fransisco. They have about two weeks to make the tirp down the coast. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly jealous. Prior to that, the housemates we had living here moved out, one of them heading to West Africa and Europe for a few weeks. These different scenarios continue to remind me of my own yearnings. When I first arrived here in Portland, I could feel the pull of some part of me (which I've been kindly refering to as my ego-self) wanting to attach; put down some roots and really call this place home, maybe even go buy some real curtains for my room. Then I find myself in the travel section of Powell's books, and my heart races as I flip through the World Atlas, and skim over maps. I notice the twinge of envy as the boys pack up their bikes and head South. It is truly lovely here and I am enjoying every moment of everyday (especially since summer has finally arrived!). I find Portland to resonate in so many ways, with the lifestyle I prefer. Yet I also notice that I am getting more comfortable with this sense of non-attachment. I remember that though it may not be what everyone around me is doing, my decisions excite me.
Striving to be patient with myself and remain present with the hear and now, surrendering to the current of life.